"""Desdeo-problem related definitions.
This file has following classes:
ScalarMOProblem -- to be deprecated
ScalarDataProblem -- to be deprecated
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
# , TypedDict coming in py3.8
from functools import reduce
from operator import iadd
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from desdeo_problem.problem.Constraint import ScalarConstraint
from desdeo_problem.problem.Objective import (
from desdeo_problem.surrogatemodels.SurrogateModels import BaseRegressor
from desdeo_problem.problem.Variable import Variable
[docs]class ProblemError(Exception):
"""Raised when an error related to the Problem class is encountered.
# TODO consider replacing namedtuple with attr.s for validation purposes.
[docs]class EvaluationResults(NamedTuple):
"""The return object of <problem>.evaluate methods.
objectives (np.ndarray): The objective function values for each input
fitness (np.ndarray): Equal to objective values if objective is to be
minimized. Multiplied by (-1) if objective to be maximized.
constraints (Union[None, np.ndarray]): The constraint values of the
problem corresponding each input vector.
uncertainity (Union[None, np.ndarray]): The uncertainity in the
objective values.
objectives: np.ndarray
fitness: np.ndarray
constraints: Union[None, np.ndarray] = None
uncertainity: Union[None, np.ndarray] = None
def __str__(self):
"""Textual output of attributes.
str: The textual output of attributes
prnt_msg = (
"Evaluation Results Object \n"
f"Objective values are: \n{self.objectives}\n"
f"Constraint violation values are: \n{self.constraints}\n"
f"Fitness values are: \n{self.fitness}\n"
f"Uncertainity values are: \n{self.uncertainity}\n"
return prnt_msg
[docs]class ProblemBase(ABC):
"""The base class for the problems.
All other problem classes should be derived from this.
nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir values for the problem, initiated = None
ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal values for the problem, initiated = None
nadir_fitness (np.ndarray): Fitness values for nadir, initiated = None
ideal_fitness (np.ndarray): Fitness values for ideal, initiated = None
__n_of_objectives (int): Number of objectives, initiated = 0
__n_of_variables (int): Number of variables, initiated = 0
__decision_vectors (np.ndarray): Array of decision variable vectors,
initiated = None
__objective_vectors (np.ndarray): Array of objective variable vectors,
initiated = None
def __init__(self):
self.nadir: np.ndarray = None
self.ideal: np.ndarray = None
self.nadir_fitness: np.ndarray = None
self.ideal_fitness: np.ndarray = None
self.__n_of_objectives: int = 0
self.__n_of_variables: int = 0
self.__decision_vectors: np.ndarray = None
self.__objective_vectors: np.ndarray = None
def n_of_objectives(self) -> int:
"""Property, returns the number of objectives.
int: The number of objectives
return self.__n_of_objectives
def n_of_objectives(self, val: int):
"""Setter, the number of objectives.
val (int): the number of objectives
self.__n_of_objectives = val
def n_of_variables(self) -> int:
"""Property, returns the number of variables.
int: The number of variables
return self.__n_of_variables
def n_of_variables(self, val: int):
"""Setter, the number of variables.
val (int): the number of variables
self.__n_of_variables = val
def decision_vectors(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Property, returns the decision variable vectors array.
np.ndarray: decision vector array
return self.__decision_vectors
def decision_vectors(self, val: np.ndarray):
"""Setter, the decision variable vector array.
val (np.ndarray): the decision vector array
self.__decision_vectors = val
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_variable_bounds(self) -> Union[None, np.ndarray]:
"""Abstract method to get variable bounds"""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def evaluate(
self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool = False
) -> EvaluationResults:
"""Abstract method to evaluate problem.
Evaluates the problem using an ensemble of input vectors. Uses
surrogate models if available. Otherwise, it uses the true evaluator.
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): An array of decision variable
input vectors.
use_surrogate (bool): A bool to control whether to use the true, potentially
expensive function or a surrogate model to evaluate the objectives.
(Dict): Dict with the following keys:
'objectives' (np.ndarray): The objective function values for each input
'constraints' (Union[np.ndarray, None]): The constraint values of the
problem corresponding each input vector.
'fitness' (np.ndarray): Equal to objective values if objective is to be
minimized. Multiplied by (-1) if objective to be maximized.
'uncertainity' (Union[np.ndarray, None]): The uncertainity in the
objective values.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def evaluate_constraint_values(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Abstract method to evaluate constraint values.
Evaluate just the constraint function values using the attributes
decision_vectors and objective_vectors
Currently not supported by ScalarMOProblem
# TODO: Depreciate. Use MO problem in the future
[docs]class ScalarMOProblem(ProblemBase):
"""A multiobjective optimization problem.
To be depreciated.
A multiobjective optimization problem with user defined objective
functions, constraints and variables.
The objectives each return a single scalar.
objectives (List[ScalarObjective]): A list containing the objectives of
the problem.
variables (List[Variable]): A list containing the variables of the
constraints (List[ScalarConstraint]): A list containing the
constraints of the problem. If no constraints exist, None may
be supllied as the value.
nadir (Optional[np.ndarray]): The nadir point of the problem.
ideal (Optional[np.ndarray]): The ideal point of the problem.
__n_of_objectives (int): The number of objectives in the problem.
__n_of_variables (int): The number of variables in the problem.
__n_of_constraints (int): The number of constraints in the problem.
__nadir (np.ndarray): The nadir point of the problem.
__ideal (np.ndarray): The ideal point of the problem.
__objectives (List[ScalarObjective]): A list containing the objectives of
the problem.
__constraints (List[ScalarConstraint]): A list conatining the constraints
of the problem.
ProblemError: Ill formed nadir and/or ideal vectors are supplied.
def __init__(
objectives: List[ScalarObjective],
variables: List[Variable],
constraints: List[ScalarConstraint],
nadir: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
ideal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
) -> None:
self.__objectives: List[ScalarObjective] = objectives
self.__variables: List[Variable] = variables
self.__constraints: List[ScalarConstraint] = constraints
self.__n_of_objectives: int = len(self.objectives)
self.__n_of_variables: int = len(self.variables)
if self.constraints is not None:
self.__n_of_constraints: int = len(self.constraints)
self.__n_of_constraints = 0
# Nadir vector must be the same size as the number of objectives
if nadir is not None:
if len(nadir) != self.n_of_objectives:
msg = (
"The length of the nadir vector does not match the"
"number of objectives: Length nadir {}, number of "
"objectives {}."
).format(len(nadir), self.n_of_objectives)
raise ProblemError(msg)
# Ideal vector must be the same size as the number of objectives
if ideal is not None:
if len(ideal) != self.n_of_objectives:
msg = (
"The length of the ideal vector does not match the"
"number of objectives: Length ideal {}, number of "
"objectives {}."
).format(len(ideal), self.n_of_objectives)
raise ProblemError(msg)
# Nadir and ideal vectors must match in size
if nadir is not None and ideal is not None:
if len(nadir) != len(ideal):
msg = (
"The length of the nadir and ideal point don't match:"
" length of nadir {}, length of ideal {}."
).format(len(nadir), len(ideal))
raise ProblemError(msg)
self.__nadir = nadir
self.__ideal = ideal
# Multiplier to convert maximization to minimization
max_multiplier = np.asarray([1, -1])
to_maximize = [objective.maximize for objective in objectives]
to_maximize = sum(to_maximize, []) # To flatten the list
to_maximize = np.asarray(to_maximize) * 1 # Convert to zeros and ones
self._max_multiplier = max_multiplier[to_maximize]
def n_of_constraints(self) -> int:
"""Property: the number of constraints.
int: the number of constraints.
return self.__n_of_constraints
def n_of_constraints(self, val: int):
"""Setter: the number of constraints.
int: the number of constraints.
self.__n_of_constraints = val
def objectives(self) -> List[ScalarObjective]:
"""Property: the list of objectives.
List[ScalarObjective]: the list of objectives
return self.__objectives
def objectives(self, val: List[ScalarObjective]):
"""Setter: the list of objectives.
val (List[ScalarObjective]): the list of objectives.
self.__objectives = val
def variables(self) -> List[Variable]:
"""Property: the list of problem variables.
List[_ScalarObjective]: the list of problem variables
return self.__variables
def variables(self, val: List[Variable]):
"""Setter: the list of variables.
val (List[_ScalarObjective]): the list of variables.
self.__variables = val
def constraints(self) -> List[ScalarConstraint]:
"""Property: the list of constraints.
List[_ScalarObjective]: the list of constraints
return self.__constraints
def constraints(self, val: List[ScalarConstraint]):
"""Setter: the list of constraints.
val (List[_ScalarObjective]): the list of constraints.
self.__constraints = val
def n_of_objectives(self) -> int:
"""Property: the number of objectives.
int: the number of objectives.
return self.__n_of_objectives
def n_of_objectives(self, val: int):
"""Setter: the number of objectives.
int: the number of objectives.
self.__n_of_objectives = val
def n_of_variables(self) -> int:
"""Property: the number of variables.
int: the number of variables.
return self.__n_of_variables
def n_of_variables(self, val: int):
"""Setter: the number of variables.
int: the number of variables.
self.__n_of_variables = val
def nadir(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Property: the nadir point of the problem.
np.ndarray: the nadir point of the problem.
return self.__nadir
def nadir(self, val: np.ndarray):
"""Setter: the nadir point of the problem.
val (np.ndarray): The nadir point of the problem.
self.__nadir = val
def ideal(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Property: the ideal point of the problem.
np.ndarray: the ideal point of the problem.
return self.__ideal
def ideal(self, val: np.ndarray):
"""Setter: the ideal point of the problem.
val (np.ndarray): The ideal point of the problem.
self.__ideal = val
[docs] def get_variable_bounds(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
"""Get the variable bounds.
Return the upper and lower bounds of each decision variable present
in the problem as a 2D numpy array. The first column corresponds to the
lower bounds of each variable, and the second column to the upper
np.ndarray: Lower and upper bounds of each variable
as a 2D numpy array. If undefined variables, return None instead.
if self.variables is not None:
bounds = np.ndarray((self.n_of_variables, 2))
for ind, var in enumerate(self.variables):
bounds[ind] = np.array(var.get_bounds())
return bounds
return None
[docs] def get_variable_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get variable names.
Return the variable names of the variables present in the problem in
the order they were added.
List[str]: Names of the variables in the order they were added.
return [var.name for var in self.variables]
[docs] def get_objective_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get objective names.
Return the names of the objectives present in the problem in the
order they were added.
List[str]: Names of the objectives in the order they were added.
return [obj.name for obj in self.objectives]
[docs] def get_uncertainty_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Return the names of the objectives present in the problem in the
order they were added.
List[str]: Names of the objectives in the order they were added.
return [unc.name for unc in self.objectives]
[docs] def get_variable_lower_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get variable lower bounds.
Return the lower bounds of each variable as a list. The order of the bounds
follows the order the variables were added to the problem.
np.ndarray: An array with the lower bounds of the variables.
return np.array([var.get_bounds()[0] for var in self.variables])
[docs] def get_variable_upper_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get variable upper bounds.
Return the upper bounds of each variable as a list. The order of the
bounds follows the order the variables were added to the problem.
np.ndarray: An array with the upper bounds of the variables.
return np.array([var.get_bounds()[1] for var in self.variables])
[docs] def evaluate(
self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool = False
) -> EvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the problem using an ensemble of input vectors.
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): An 2D array of decision variable
input vectors. Each column represent the values of each decision
Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[None, np.ndarray]]: If constraint are
defined, returns the objective vector values and corresponding
constraint values. Or, if no constraints are defined, returns just
the objective vector values with None as the constraint values.
ProblemError: The decision_vectors have wrong dimensions.
# Reshape decision_vectors with single row to work with the code
if use_surrogate is True:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Surrogates not yet supported in this class. "
"Use the '''DataProblem''' class instead."
shape = np.shape(decision_vectors)
if len(shape) == 1:
decision_vectors = np.reshape(decision_vectors, (1, shape[0]))
(n_rows, n_cols) = np.shape(decision_vectors)
if n_cols != self.n_of_variables:
msg = (
"The length of the input vectors does not match the number "
"of variables in the problem: Input vector length {}, "
"number of variables {}."
).format(n_cols, self.n_of_variables)
raise ProblemError(msg)
objective_vectors: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(
(n_rows, self.n_of_objectives), dtype=float
) # ??? Use np.zeros instead of this?
uncertainity: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(
(n_rows, self.n_of_objectives), dtype=float
) # ??? Use np.zeros instead of this?
if self.n_of_constraints > 0:
constraint_values: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(
(n_rows, self.n_of_constraints), dtype=float
constraint_values = None
# Calculate the objective values
for (col_i, objective) in enumerate(self.objectives):
results = objective.evaluate(decision_vectors)
objective_vectors[:, col_i] = results.objectives
uncertainity[:, col_i] = results.uncertainity
# Calculate fitness, which is always to be minimized
fitness = objective_vectors * self._max_multiplier
# Calculate the constraint values
if constraint_values is not None:
for (col_i, constraint) in enumerate(self.constraints):
constraint_values[:, col_i] = np.array(
constraint.evaluate(decision_vectors, objective_vectors)
return EvaluationResults(
objective_vectors, fitness, constraint_values, uncertainity
[docs] def evaluate_constraint_values(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluate constraint values.
Evaluate just the constraint function values using the attributes
decision_vectors and objective_vectors
Currently not supported by ScalarMOProblem
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for ScalarMOProblem")
# TODO: Depreciate. Use data problem in the future
[docs]class ScalarDataProblem(ProblemBase):
"""A problem class for case where the data is pre-computed.
To be depreciated
Defines a problem with pre-computed data representing a multiobjective
optimization problem with scalar valued objective functions.
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): A 2D vector of decision_vectors. Each
row represents a solution with the value for each decision_vectors
defined on the columns.
objective_vectors (np.ndarray): A 2D vector of
objective function values. Each row represents one objective vector
with the values for the invidual objective functions defined on the
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): See args
objective_vectors (np.ndarray): See args
__epsilon (float): A small floating point number to shift the bounds of
the variables. See, get_variable_bounds, default value 1e-6
__constraints (List[ScalarConstraint]): A list of defined constraints.
nadir (np.ndarray): The nadir point of the problem.
ideal (np.ndarray): The ideal point of the problem.
__model_exists (bool): is there a model for this problem
It is assumed that the decision_vectors and objectives follow a direct
one-to-one mapping, i.e., the objective values on the ith row in
'objectives' should represent the solution of the multiobjective
problem when evaluated with the decision_vectors on the ith row in
def __init__(self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, objective_vectors: np.ndarray):
self.decision_vectors: np.ndarray = decision_vectors
self.objective_vectors: np.ndarray = objective_vectors
# epsilon is used when computing the bounds. We don't want to exclude
# any of the solutions that contain border values.
# See get_variable_bounds
self.__epsilon: float = 1e-6
# Used to indicate if a model has been built to represent the model.
# Used in the evaluation.
self.__model_exists: bool = False
self.__constraints: List[ScalarConstraint] = []
self.n_of_variables = self.decision_vectors.shape[1]
except IndexError as e:
msg = (
"Check the variable dimensions. Is it a 2D array? "
"Encountered '{}'".format(str(e))
raise ProblemError(msg)
self.n_of_objectives = self.objective_vectors.shape[1]
except IndexError as e:
msg = (
"Check the objective dimensions. Is it a 2D array? "
"Encountered '{}'".format(str(e))
raise ProblemError(msg)
self.nadir = np.max(self.objective_vectors, axis=0)
self.ideal = np.min(self.objective_vectors, axis=0)
def epsilon(self) -> float:
"""Property: epsilon.
float: epsilon value (for shifting the bounds of variables)
return self.__epsilon
def epsilon(self, val: float):
"""Setter: epsilon.
val (float): epsilon value (for shifting the bounds of variables.)
self.__epsilon = val
def constraints(self) -> List[ScalarConstraint]:
"""Property: Constraints.
List[ScalarConstraint]: list of the defined constraints
return self.__constraints
def constraints(self, val: List[ScalarConstraint]):
"""Setter: Constraints.
val (List[ScalarConstraint]): list of the constraints.
self.__constraints = val
[docs] def get_variable_bounds(self):
"""Get the variable bounds.
np.array[float]: The variable bounds in a stack. The epsilon value
will be added to the upper bounds and substracted from the
lower bounds to return closed bounds.
If self.epsilon is zero, the bounds will represent an open range.
return np.stack(
np.min(self.decision_vectors, axis=0) - self.epsilon,
np.max(self.decision_vectors, axis=0) + self.epsilon,
[docs] def evaluate_constraint_values(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluate the constraint values.
Evaluate the constraint values for each defined constraint. A positive value indicates that a constraint is adhered to, a negative
value indicates a violated constraint.
Optional[np.ndarray]: A 2D array with each row representing the
constraint values for different objective vectors. One column for
each constraint. If no constraint function are defined, returns
if len(self.constraints) == 0:
return None
constraint_values = np.zeros(
(len(self.objective_vectors), len(self.constraints))
for ind, con in enumerate(self.constraints):
constraint_values[:, ind] = con.evaluate(
self.decision_vectors, self.objective_vectors
return constraint_values
[docs] def evaluate(self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate the values of the objectives at the given decision.
Evaluate the values of the objectives corresponding to the decision
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): A 2D array with the decision
decision_vectors to be evaluated on each row.
nd.ndarray: A 2D array with the objective values corresponding to
each decision vectors on the rows.
At the moment, this function just maps the given decision
decision_vectors to the closest decision variable present (using an
L2 distance) in the problem and returns the corresponsing objective
if not self.__model_exists:
idx = np.unravel_index(
self.decision_vectors - decision_vectors, axis=1
msg = "Models not implemented yet for data based problems."
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return (self.objective_vectors[idx],)
[docs]class MOProblem(ProblemBase):
"""An user defined multiobjective optimization problem.
A multiobjective optimization problem with user defined objective
functions, constraints, and variables.
objectives (List[Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]]): A list
containing the objectives of the problem.
variables (List[Variable]): A list containing the variables of
the problem.
constraints (List[ScalarConstraint]): A list of the constraints
of the problem.
nadir (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Nadir point of the problem.
Defaults to None.
ideal (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Ideal point of the problem.
Defaults to None.
__objectives (List[Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]]): A list
containing the objectives of the problem.
__variables (List[Variable]): A list containing the variables of
the problem.
__constraints (List[ScalarConstraint]): A list of the constraints
of the problem.
__nadir (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Nadir point of the problem.
Defaults to None.
__ideal (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Ideal point of the problem.
Defaults to None.
__n_of_variables (int): The number of variables
__n_of_objectives (int): The number of objectives
ProblemError: If ideal or nadir vectors are not the same size as
number of objectives.
# TODO: use_surrogate : Union[bool, List[bool]]
def __init__(
objectives: List[Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]],
variables: List[Variable],
constraints: List[ScalarConstraint] = None,
nadir: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
ideal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
self.__objectives: List[Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]] = objectives
self.__variables: List[Variable] = variables
self.__constraints: List[ScalarConstraint] = constraints
self.__n_of_variables: int = len(self.variables)
self.__n_of_objectives: int = sum(
map(self.number_of_objectives, self.__objectives)
if self.constraints is not None:
self.__n_of_constraints: int = len(self.constraints)
self.__n_of_constraints = 0
# Multiplier to convert maximization to minimization
max_multiplier = np.asarray([1, -1])
to_maximize = [objective.maximize for objective in objectives]
# Does not work
# to_maximize = sum(to_maximize, []) # To flatten the list
to_maximize = (
np.hstack(to_maximize) * 1
) # To flatten list and convert to zeros and ones
# to_maximize = np.asarray(to_maximize) * 1 # Convert to zeros and ones
self._max_multiplier = max_multiplier[to_maximize]
self.nadir_fitness = np.full(self.__n_of_objectives, np.inf, dtype=float)
self.nadir = self.nadir_fitness * self._max_multiplier
self.ideal_fitness = np.full(self.__n_of_objectives, np.inf, dtype=float)
self.ideal = self.ideal_fitness * self._max_multiplier
# Nadir vector must be the same size as the number of objectives
if nadir is not None:
if len(nadir) != self.n_of_objectives:
msg = (
"The length of the nadir vector does not match the"
"number of objectives: Length nadir {}, number of "
"objectives {}."
).format(len(nadir), self.n_of_objectives)
raise ProblemError(msg)
self.nadir = nadir
# Ideal vector must be the same size as the number of objectives
if ideal is not None:
if len(ideal) != self.n_of_objectives:
msg = (
"The length of the ideal vector does not match the"
"number of objectives: Length ideal {}, number of "
"objectives {}."
).format(len(ideal), self.n_of_objectives)
raise ProblemError(msg)
self.ideal = ideal
self.nadir_fitness = self.nadir * self._max_multiplier
self.ideal_fitness = self.ideal * self._max_multiplier
# Objective and variable names
self.objective_names = self.get_objective_names()
self.variable_names = self.get_variable_names()
self.fitness_names = self.objective_names
def n_of_constraints(self) -> int:
"""Property: number of constraints.
int: Number of constraints
return self.__n_of_constraints
def n_of_constraints(self, val: int):
"""Setter: number of constraints.
val (int): number of constraints
self.__n_of_constraints = val
def objectives(self) -> List[ScalarObjective]:
"""Property: list of objectives.
List[ScalarObjective]: list of objectives
return self.__objectives
def objectives(self, val: List[ScalarObjective]):
"""Setter: set list of objectives.
val (List[ScalarObjective]): List of objectives
self.__objectives = val
def variables(self) -> List[Variable]:
"""Property: List of variables
List[Variable]: list of variables
return self.__variables
def variables(self, val: List[Variable]):
"""Setter: set list of variables.
val (List[Variable]): list of variables
self.__variables = val
def constraints(self) -> List[ScalarConstraint]:
"""Property: list of constraints.
List[ScalarConstraint]: list of constraints
return self.__constraints
def constraints(self, val: List[ScalarConstraint]):
"""Setter: list of constraints.
val (List[ScalarConstraint]): list of constraints
self.__constraints = val
def n_of_objectives(self) -> int:
"""Property: number of objectives.
int: number of objectives
return self.__n_of_objectives
def n_of_objectives(self, val: int):
"""Setter: number of objectives.
val (int): number of objectives
self.__n_of_objectives = val
def n_of_fitnesses(self) -> int:
"""Property: number of dimensions of the fitness matrix.
May be different than the number of objectives in inherited classes.
int: number of fitness dimensions.
return self.__n_of_objectives
def n_of_variables(self) -> int:
"""Property: number of variables.
int: Number of variables.
return self.__n_of_variables
def n_of_variables(self, val: int):
"""Setter: number of variables.
val (int): number of variables
self.__n_of_variables = val
[docs] @staticmethod
def number_of_objectives(
obj_instance: Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]
) -> int:
"""Return the number of objectives in the given obj_instance.
obj_instance (Union[ScalarObjective, VectorObjective]): An instance of one of
the objective classes
ProblemError: Raised when obj_instance is not an instance of the supported
int: Number of objectives in obj_instance
if isinstance(obj_instance, _ScalarObjective):
return 1
elif isinstance(obj_instance, ScalarObjective):
return 1
elif isinstance(obj_instance, VectorObjective):
return obj_instance.n_of_objectives
msg = "Supported objective types: ScalarObjective and VectorObjective"
raise ProblemError(msg)
[docs] def get_variable_bounds(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
"""Get variable bounds.
Return the upper and lower bounds of each decision variable present
in the problem as a 2D numpy array. The first column corresponds to the
lower bounds of each variable, and the second column to the upper
np.ndarray: Lower and upper bounds of each variable
as a 2D numpy array. If undefined variables, return None instead.
if self.variables is not None:
bounds = np.ndarray((self.n_of_variables, 2))
for ind, var in enumerate(self.variables):
bounds[ind] = np.array(var.get_bounds())
return bounds
return None
[docs] def get_variable_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get variable names.
Return the variable names of the variables present in the problem in
the order they were added.
List[str]: Names of the variables in the order they were added.
return [var.name for var in self.variables]
[docs] def get_objective_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get objective names.
Return the names of the objectives present in the problem in the
order they were added.
List[str]: Names of the objectives in the order they were added.
obj_list = [[(obj.name)] for obj in self.objectives]
return reduce(iadd, obj_list, [])
# TODO: add get_uncertainty_names() for uncertainty values
[docs] def get_variable_lower_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get variable lower bounds.
Return the lower bounds of each variable as a list. The order of the bounds
follows the order the variables were added to the problem.
np.ndarray: An array with the lower bounds of the variables.
return np.array([var.get_bounds()[0] for var in self.variables])
[docs] def get_variable_upper_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get variable upper bounds.
Return the upper bounds of each variable as a list. The order of the bounds
follows the order the variables were added to the problem.
np.ndarray: An array with the upper bounds of the variables.
return np.array([var.get_bounds()[1] for var in self.variables])
[docs] def evaluate(
self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool = False
) -> EvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the problem using an ensemble of input vectors.
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): An 2D array of decision variable
input vectors. Each column represent the values of each decision
use_surrogate (bool): A bool to control whether to use the true, potentially
expensive function or a surrogate model to evaluate the objectives.
Tuple[np.ndarray, Union[None, np.ndarray]]: If constraint are
defined, returns the objective vector values and corresponding
constraint values. Or, if no constraints are defined, returns just
the objective vector values with None as the constraint values.
ProblemError: The decision_vectors have wrong dimensions.
ValueError: If decision_vectors violate the lower or upper bounds.
# Reshape decision_vectors with single row to work with the code
shape = np.shape(decision_vectors)
if len(shape) == 1:
decision_vectors = np.reshape(decision_vectors, (1, shape[0]))
# Checking bounds; warn if bounds are breached.
if np.any(self.get_variable_lower_bounds() > decision_vectors):
warn("Some decision variable values violate lower bounds")
if np.any(self.get_variable_upper_bounds() < decision_vectors):
warn("Some decision variable values violate upper bounds")
(n_rows, n_cols) = np.shape(decision_vectors)
if n_cols != self.n_of_variables:
msg = (
"The length of the input vectors does not match the number "
"of variables in the problem: Input vector length {}, "
"number of variables {}."
).format(n_cols, self.n_of_variables)
raise ProblemError(msg)
objective_vectors, uncertainity = self.evaluate_objectives(
decision_vectors, use_surrogate=use_surrogate
constraint_values = self.evaluate_constraint_values(
decision_vectors, objective_vectors
# Calculate fitness, which is always to be minimized
fitness = self.evaluate_fitness(objective_vectors)
# Update ideal values
self.update_ideal(objective_vectors, fitness)
return EvaluationResults(
objective_vectors, fitness, constraint_values, uncertainity
[docs] def evaluate_objectives(
self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool = False
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluate objective values of the problem
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): An 2D array of decision variable
input vectors. Each column represent the values of each
decision variable.
use_surrogate (bool): A bool to control whether to use the true,
potentially expensive function or a surrogate model to
evaluate the objectives.
Tuple[np.ndarray]: Objective vector values with their uncertainty.
(n_rows, n_cols) = np.shape(decision_vectors)
objective_vectors: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(
(n_rows, self.n_of_objectives), dtype=float
uncertainity: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(
(n_rows, self.n_of_objectives), dtype=float
obj_column = 0
for objective in self.objectives:
elem_in_curr_obj = self.number_of_objectives(objective)
if elem_in_curr_obj == 1:
results = objective.evaluate(decision_vectors, use_surrogate)
objective_vectors[:, obj_column] = results.objectives
uncertainity[:, obj_column] = results.uncertainity
elif elem_in_curr_obj > 1:
# results = list(map(objective.evaluate, decision_vectors))
results = objective.evaluate(decision_vectors, use_surrogate)
:, obj_column : obj_column + elem_in_curr_obj
] = results.objectives
:, obj_column : obj_column + elem_in_curr_obj
] = results.uncertainity
obj_column = obj_column + elem_in_curr_obj
return (objective_vectors, uncertainity)
[docs] def evaluate_constraint_values(
self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, objective_vectors: np.ndarray
) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluate constraint values
Evaluate just the constraint function values using the attributes
decision_vectors and objective_vectors
decision_vectors (np.ndarray): An 2D array of decision variable
input vectors. Each column represent the values of each
decision variable.
use_surrogate (bool): A bool to control whether to use the true,
potentially expensive function or a surrogate model to
evaluate the objectives.
Optional[np.ndarray]: if there are constraints, then this returns
np.ndarray of constraint values, else returns None
Currently not supported by ScalarMOProblem
if self.n_of_constraints == 0:
return None
(n_rows, n_cols) = np.shape(decision_vectors)
constraint_values: np.ndarray = np.ndarray(
(n_rows, self.n_of_constraints), dtype=float
for (col_i, constraint) in enumerate(self.constraints):
constraint_values[:, col_i] = np.array(
constraint.evaluate(decision_vectors, objective_vectors)
return constraint_values
[docs] def evaluate_fitness(self, objective_vectors: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate fitness of the objectives.
objective_vectors (np.ndarray): objective vector array
np.ndarray: fitness of each objective vector
return objective_vectors * self._max_multiplier
[docs] def update_ideal(self, objective_vectors: np.ndarray, fitness: np.ndarray):
"""Update the ideal vector
objective_vectors (np.ndarray): Objective vectors
fitness (np.ndarray): fittness of objective vectors.
self.ideal_fitness = np.amin(np.vstack((self.ideal_fitness, fitness)), axis=0)
self.ideal = self.ideal_fitness * self._max_multiplier
# TODO: Make this the "main" Problem class?
[docs]class DataProblem(MOProblem):
"""A class for a data based problem.
A problem class for data-based problem. This supports surrogate modelling.
Data should be given in the form of a pandas dataframe.
data (pd.DataFrame): The input data. This will be used for training the model.
variable_names (List[str]): Names of the variables in the dataframe provided.
objective_names (List[str]): Names of the objectices in the dataframe provided.
bounds (pd.DataFrame, optional): A pandas DataFrame containing the upper and
lower bounds of the decision variables. Column names have to be same as
variable_names. Row names have to be "lower_bound" and "upper_bound".
objectives (List[Union[ScalarDataObjective,VectorDataObjective,]], optional):
Objective instances, currently not supported. Defaults to None.
variables (List[Variable], optional): Variable instances. Defaults to None.
Currently not supported.
constraints (List[ScalarConstraint], optional): Constraint instances.
Defaults to None, which means that there are no constraints.
nadir (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Nadir of the problem. Defaults to None.
ideal (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Ideal of the problem. Defaults to None.
ProblemError: When input data is not a dataframe.
ProblemError: When given objective or variable names are not in dataframe column
NotImplementedError: When objective instances are passed
NotImplementedError: When variable instances are passed
def __init__(
data: pd.DataFrame,
variable_names: List[str],
objective_names: List[str],
bounds: pd.DataFrame = None,
maximize: pd.DataFrame = None,
objectives: List[Union[ScalarDataObjective, VectorDataObjective]] = None,
variables: List[Variable] = None,
constraints: List[ScalarConstraint] = None,
nadir: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
ideal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
msg = "Please provide data in the pandas dataframe format"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if not all(obj in data.columns for obj in objective_names):
msg = "Provided objective names not found in provided dataframe columns"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if not all(var in data.columns for var in variable_names):
msg = "Provided variable names not found in provided dataframe columns"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if bounds is not None:
if not all(var in variable_names for var in bounds.columns):
msg = "A mismatch in the variable names in the bounds dataframe"
raise ProblemError(msg)
bounds_row_names = ["lower_bound", "upper_bound"]
if not all(row_name in bounds_row_names for row_name in bounds.index):
msg = (
f"'bounds' should contain the following indices: {bounds_row_names}"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if maximize is not None:
if not all(obj in objective_names for obj in maximize.columns):
msg = "maximize DataFrame should only contain objectives"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if not all(obj in maximize.columns for obj in objective_names):
msg = "All objectives should be in the maximize DataFrame"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if maximize is None:
# Default to minimize
maximize = pd.DataFrame(columns=objective_names, index=[0])
maximize[:] = False
# TODO: Implement the rest
if objectives is not None:
msg = "Support for custom objectives objects not implemented yet"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
if variables is not None:
msg = "Support for custom variables objects not implemented yet"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
if objectives is None:
objectives = []
for obj in objective_names:
data=data[variable_names + [obj]],
if variables is None:
variables = []
for var in variable_names:
initial_value = data[var].mean(axis=0)
if bounds is None:
lower_bound = data[var].min(axis=0)
upper_bound = data[var].max(axis=0)
lower_bound = bounds[var]["lower_bound"]
upper_bound = bounds[var]["upper_bound"]
super().__init__(objectives, variables, constraints)
[docs] def train(
models: Union[BaseRegressor, List[BaseRegressor]],
model_parameters: Union[Dict, List[Dict]] = None,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train surrogate models for all the objectives.
The models should have a fit method and a predict method. The predict method
should return predicted values as well as uncertainity value (even if they are
models (Union[BaseRegressor, List[BaseRegressor]]): The class for the
surrogate modelling algorithm.
models_parameters: Dict or List[Dict]
The parameters for the regressors. Should be a dict if a single regressor is
provided. If a list of regressors is provided, the parameters should be in a
list of dicts, same length as the list of regressors(= number of objs).
index (List[int], optional): The indices of the samples to be used for
training the surrogate model. If no values are proveded, all samples are
data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Use this argument if some external data is
to be used for training. Defaults to None.
ProblemError: If VectorDataObjective is used as one of the objective
instances. They are not supported yet.
if not isinstance(models, list):
models = [models] * len(self.get_objective_names())
model_parameters = [model_parameters] * len(self.get_objective_names())
elif len(models) == 1:
models = models * len(self.get_objective_names())
for model, model_params, name in zip(
models, model_parameters, self.get_objective_names()
self.train_one_objective(name, model, model_params, index, data)
[docs] def train_one_objective(
name: str,
model: BaseRegressor,
model_parameters: Dict,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train one objective at a time, otherwise same is the train method.
name (str): Name of the objective to be trained.
model (BaseRegressor): The class for the surrogate modelling algorithm.
model_parameters (Dict): **model_parameters is passed to the model when
index (List[int], optional): The indices of the samples to be used for
training the surrogate model. If no values are proveded, all samples are
data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Use this argument if some external data is
to be used for training. Defaults to None.
ProblemError: If name is not in the list of objective names.
ProblemError: If VectorDataObjective is used as one of the objective
instances. They are not supported yet.
if name not in self.get_objective_names():
raise ProblemError(
f'"{name}" not found in the list of'
f"original objective names: {self.get_objective_names()}"
obj_index = self.get_objective_names().index(name)
if isinstance(self.objectives[obj_index], _ScalarDataObjective):
self.objectives[obj_index].train(model, model_parameters, index, data)
if isinstance(self.objectives[obj_index], ScalarDataObjective):
self.objectives[obj_index].train(model, model_parameters, index, data)
msg = "Support for VectorDataObjective not supported yet"
raise ProblemError(msg)
[docs]class ExperimentalProblem(MOProblem):
"""A problem class for data-based problem. This supports surrogate modelling.
Data should be given in the form of a pandas dataframe.
self.archive is created to save the true function evaluations and update the
surrogate models if needed.
self.archive updates whenever a true function evaluation happens.
data (pd.DataFrame): The input data. This will be used for training the model.
variable_names (List[str]): Names of the variables in the dataframe provided.
objective_names (List[str]): Names of the objectices in the dataframe provided.
objectives (List[Union[ScalarDataObjective,VectorDataObjective,]], optional):
Objective instances, currently not supported. Defaults to None.
variables (List[Variable], optional): Variable instances. Defaults to None.
Currently not supported.
constraints (List[ScalarConstraint], optional): Constraint instances.
Defaults to None, which means that there are no constraints.
nadir (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Nadir of the problem. Defaults to None.
ideal (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Ideal of the problem. Defaults to None.
ProblemError: When input data is not a dataframe.
ProblemError: When given objective or variable names are not in dataframe column
NotImplementedError: When objective instances are passed
NotImplementedError: When variable instances are passed
not properly implemented!
def __init__(
variable_names: List[str],
objective_names: List[str],
uncertainity_names: List[str],
evaluators: Union[None, List[Callable]] = None,
dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
objective_functions: List[Tuple[List[str], Callable]] = None,
constraints: List[Tuple[List[str], Callable]] = None,
# TODO: add the archiving here for true evaluations.
self.uncertainity_names = uncertainity_names # will be removed later
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
msg = "Please provide data in the pandas dataframe format"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if not all(obj in data.columns for obj in objective_names):
msg = "Provided objective names not found in provided dataframe columns"
raise ProblemError(msg)
if not all(var in data.columns for var in variable_names):
msg = "Provided variable names not found in provided dataframe columns"
raise ProblemError(msg)
# TODO: Implement the rest
objectives = []
self.archive = (
) # this is for model management to archive the solutions and decision variables
# check if evaluator is NOne in that case make a list of nones and the lenght of the list is the same as obj_names
# check if evaluator is the same lenght as obj_names if not rais a problem error
for obj, evaluator in zip(objective_names, evaluators):
data=data[variable_names + [obj]], name=obj, evaluator=evaluator
variables = []
for var in variable_names:
initial_value = data[var].mean(axis=0)
lower_bound = data[var].min(axis=0)
upper_bound = data[var].max(axis=0)
super().__init__(objectives, variables, constraints)
[docs] def train(
models: Union[BaseRegressor, List[BaseRegressor]],
model_parameters: Union[Dict, List[Dict]] = None,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train surrogate models for all the objectives.
The models should have a fit method and a predict method. The predict
method should return predicted values as well as uncertainity value
(even if they are none.)
models (Union[BaseRegressor, List[BaseRegressor]]): The class for the
surrogate modelling algorithm.
models_parameters: Dict or List[Dict]
The parameters for the regressors. Should be a dict if a single regressor is
provided. If a list of regressors is provided, the parameters should be in a
list of dicts, same length as the list of regressors(= number of objs).
index (List[int], optional): The indices of the samples to be used for
training the surrogate model. If no values are proveded, all samples are
data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Use this argument if some external data is
to be used for training. Defaults to None.
ProblemError: If VectorDataObjective is used as one of the objective
instances. They are not supported yet.
data = self.archive # for updating the data after updating the surrogates
if not isinstance(models, list):
models = [models] * len(self.get_objective_names())
model_parameters = [model_parameters] * len(self.get_objective_names())
elif len(models) == 1:
models = models * len(self.get_objective_names())
for model, model_params, name in zip(
models, model_parameters, self.get_objective_names()
self.train_one_objective(name, model, model_params, index, data)
[docs] def train_one_objective(
name: str,
model: BaseRegressor,
model_parameters: Dict,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train one objective at a time, otherwise same is the train method.
name (str): Name of the objective to be trained.
model (BaseRegressor): The class for the surrogate modelling algorithm.
model_parameters (Dict): **model_parameters is passed to the model when
index (List[int], optional): The indices of the samples to be used for
training the surrogate model. If no values are proveded, all samples are
data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Use this argument if some external data is
to be used for training. Defaults to None.
ProblemError: If name is not in the list of objective names.
ProblemError: If VectorDataObjective is used as one of the objective
instances. They are not supported yet.
if name not in self.get_objective_names():
raise ProblemError(
f'"{name}" not found in the list of'
f"original objective names: {self.get_objective_names()}"
obj_index = self.get_objective_names().index(name)
if isinstance(self.objectives[obj_index], _ScalarDataObjective):
self.objectives[obj_index].train(model, model_parameters, index, data)
elif isinstance(self.objectives[obj_index], ScalarDataObjective):
self.objectives[obj_index].train(model, model_parameters, index, data)
msg = "Support for VectorDataObjective not supported yet"
raise ProblemError(msg)
[docs] def evaluate(
self, decision_vectors: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool
) -> EvaluationResults:
names = np.hstack((self.variable_names, self.objective_names))
new_results = super().evaluate(decision_vectors, use_surrogate=use_surrogate)
# The following is for achiving solutions with true function evaluations
if use_surrogate == False:
new_samples = np.hstack((decision_vectors, new_results.objectives))
new_data = pd.DataFrame(data=new_samples, columns=names)
self.archive = self.archive.append(new_data)
return new_results
[docs]class DiscreteDataProblem:
"""A problem class for data-based problems with discrete values.
These data values are computed representing a set of non-dominated points.
data (pd.DataFrame): The input data.
variable_names (List[str]): Names of the variables in the dataframe provided.
objective_names (List[str]): Names of the objectices in the dataframe provided.
nadir (np.ndarray): Nadir of the problem.
ideal (np.ndarray): Ideal of the problem.
def __init__(
data: pd.DataFrame,
variable_names: List[str],
objective_names: List[str],
ideal: np.ndarray,
nadir: np.ndarray,
self.decision_variables = data[variable_names].values
self.variable_names = variable_names
self.objectives = data[objective_names].values
self.objective_names = objective_names
self.ideal = ideal
self.nadir = nadir
self.n_of_objectives = len(objective_names)
[docs] def find_closest(self, x: np.ndarray) -> int:
"""Find closest point in data to x.
Given a vector of decision variables, finds the closest point in
the given data and returns its index.
A simple euclidean distance is used.
x (np.ndarray): A 1D vector containing decision variables.
int: The index of the closest point in the data computed for x.
return np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(x - self.decision_variables, axis=1))