"""Defines Objective classes to be used in Problems
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from os import path
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from desdeo_problem.surrogatemodels.SurrogateModels import BaseRegressor, ModelError
[docs]class ObjectiveError(Exception):
"""Raised when an error related to the Objective class is encountered."""
[docs]class ObjectiveEvaluationResults(NamedTuple):
"""The return object of <problem>.evaluate methods.
objectives (Union[float, np.ndarray]): The objective function value/s for the
input vector.
uncertainity (Union[None, float, np.ndarray]): The uncertainity in the
objective value/s.
objectives: Union[float, np.ndarray]
uncertainity: Union[None, float, np.ndarray] = None
def __str__(self):
"""Stringify the result.
str: result in string form
prnt_msg = (
"Objective Evaluation Results Object \n"
f"Objective values are: \n{self.objectives}\n"
f"Uncertainity values are: \n{self.uncertainity}\n"
return prnt_msg
[docs]class ObjectiveBase(ABC):
"""The abstract base class for objectives."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool = False) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the objective according to a decision variable vector.
Uses surrogate model if use_surrogates is true. If use_surrogates is False, uses
func_evaluate which evaluates using the true objective function.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective.
use_surrogate (bool) : A boolean which determines whether to use surrogates
or true function evaluator. False by default.
if use_surrogate:
return self._surrogate_evaluate(decision_vector)
return self._func_evaluate(decision_vector)
def _func_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the true objective value.
Value is evaluated with the decision variable vector as the input.
Uses the true (potentially expensive) evaluator if available.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective.
def _surrogate_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the objective value.
Value is evaluated with the decision variable vector as the input.
Uses the surrogartes if available.
decision_vector(np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective.
[docs]class VectorObjectiveBase(ABC):
"""The abstract base class for multiple objectives which are calculated at once."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray, use_surrogate: bool = False) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the objective according to a decision variable vector.
Uses surrogate model if use_surrogates is true. If use_surrogates is False, uses
func_evaluate which evaluates using the true objective function.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective.
use_surrogate (bool) : A boolean which determines whether to use surrogates
or true function evaluator. False by default.
if use_surrogate:
return self._surrogate_evaluate(decision_vector)
return self._func_evaluate(decision_vector)
def _func_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the true objective values according to a decision variable vector.
Uses the true (potentially expensive) evaluator if available.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective.
def _surrogate_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluates the objective values according to a decision variable vector.
Uses the surrogartes if available.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective.
# TODO: Depreciate
[docs]class ScalarObjective(ObjectiveBase):
"""A simple objective function that returns a scalar.
To be depreciated
name (str): Name of the objective.
evaluator (Callable): The function to evaluate the objective's value.
lower_bound (float): The lower bound of the objective.
upper_bound (float): The upper bound of the objective.
maximize (bool): Boolean to determine whether the objective is to be
__name (str): Name of the objective.
__value (float): The current value of the objective function.
__evaluator (Callable): The function to evaluate the objective's value.
__lower_bound (float): The lower bound of the objective.
__upper_bound (float): The upper bound of the objective.
maximize (List[bool]): List of boolean to determine whether the objectives are
to be maximized. All false by default
ObjectiveError: When ill formed bounds are given.
def __init__(
name: str,
evaluator: Callable,
lower_bound: float = -np.inf,
upper_bound: float = np.inf,
maximize: List[bool] = None,
) -> None:
# Check that the bounds make sense
if not (lower_bound < upper_bound):
msg = ("Lower bound {} should be less than the upper bound " "{}.").format(lower_bound, upper_bound)
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
self.__name: str = name
self.__evaluator: Callable = evaluator
self.__value: float = 0.0
self.__lower_bound: float = lower_bound
self.__upper_bound: float = upper_bound
if maximize is None:
maximize = [False]
self.maximize: bool = maximize # TODO implement set/getters. Have validation.
def name(self) -> str:
"""Property: name
str: name
return self.__name
def value(self) -> float:
"""Property: value
float: value
return self.__value
def value(self, value: float):
"""Setter: value
value (float): value to be set
self.__value = value
def evaluator(self) -> Callable:
"""Property: evaluator for the objective
callable: evaluator
return self.__evaluator
def lower_bound(self) -> float:
"""Property: lower bound of the objective.
float: lower bound of the objective
return self.__lower_bound
def upper_bound(self) -> float:
"""Property: upper bound of the objective.
float: upper bound of the objective
return self.__upper_bound
def _func_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluate the objective functions value.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of variables to evaluate the
objective function with.
ObjectiveEvaluationResults: A named tuple containing the evaluated value,
and uncertainity of evaluation of the objective function.
ObjectiveError: When a bad argument is supplied to the evaluator.
result = self.evaluator(decision_vector)
except (TypeError, IndexError) as e:
msg = "Bad argument {} supplied to the evaluator: {}".format(str(decision_vector), str(e))
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
# Store the value of the objective
self.value = result
uncertainity = np.full_like(result, np.nan, dtype=float)
# Have to set dtype because if the tuple is of ints, then this array also
# becomes dtype int. There's no nan value of int type
return ObjectiveEvaluationResults(result, uncertainity)
def _surrogate_evaluate(self, decusuib_vector: np.ndarray):
"""Evaluate the objective function value with surrogate.
Not implemented, raises only error
decusuib_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of Variables to be used in
the evaluation of the objective
ObjectiveError: Surrogate is not trained
raise ObjectiveError("Surrogates not trained")
[docs]class _ScalarObjective(ScalarObjective):
# TODO: Rename to "Objective"
[docs]class VectorObjective(VectorObjectiveBase):
"""An objective function vector with one or more objective functions.
To be renamed to Objective
__name (List[str]): Names of the various objectives in a list
__evaluator (Callable): The function that evaluates the objective values
__lower_bounds (Union[List[float], np.ndarray), optional): Lower bounds
of the objective values. Defaults to None.
__upper_bounds (Union[List[float], np.ndarray), optional): Upper bounds
of the objective values. Defaults to None.
__maximize (List[bool]): *List* of boolean to determine whether the
objectives are to be maximized. All false by default
__n_of_objects (int): The number of objectives
name (List[str]): Names of the various objectives in a list
evaluator (Callable): The function that evaluates the objective values
lower_bounds (Union[List[float], np.ndarray), optional): Lower bounds of the
objective values. Defaults to None.
upper_bounds (Union[List[float], np.ndarray), optional): Upper bounds of the
objective values. Defaults to None.
maximize (List[bool]): *List* of boolean to determine whether the objectives are
to be maximized. All false by default
ObjectiveError: When lengths the input arrays are different.
ObjectiveError: When any of the lower bounds is not smaller than the
corresponding upper bound.
def __init__(
name: List[str],
evaluator: Callable,
lower_bounds: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None,
upper_bounds: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None,
maximize: List[bool] = None,
n_of_objectives = len(name)
if lower_bounds is None:
lower_bounds = np.full(n_of_objectives, -np.inf)
if upper_bounds is None:
upper_bounds = np.full(n_of_objectives, np.inf)
lower_bounds = np.asarray(lower_bounds)
upper_bounds = np.asarray(upper_bounds)
# Check if list lengths are the same
if not (n_of_objectives == len(lower_bounds)):
msg = (
"The length of the list of names and the number of elements in the "
"lower_bounds array should be the same"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
if not (n_of_objectives == len(upper_bounds)):
msg = (
"The length of the list of names and the number of elements in the "
"upper_bounds array should be the same"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
# Check if all lower bounds are smaller than the corresponding upper bounds
if not (np.all(lower_bounds < upper_bounds)):
msg = "Lower bounds should be less than the upper bound "
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
self.__name: List[str] = name
self.__n_of_objectives: int = n_of_objectives
self.__evaluator: Callable = evaluator
self.__values: Tuple[float] = (0.0,) * n_of_objectives
self.__lower_bounds: np.ndarray = lower_bounds
self.__upper_bounds: np.ndarray = upper_bounds
if maximize is None:
self.maximize = [False] * n_of_objectives
self.maximize: bool = maximize
def name(self) -> str:
"""Property: name
str: name of the objective
return self.__name
def n_of_objectives(self) -> int:
"""Property: number of objectives
int: the number of objectives
return self.__n_of_objectives
def values(self) -> Tuple[float]:
"""Property: values
Tuple[float]: Evaluated value and uncertainty of evaluation
return self.__values
def values(self, values: Tuple[float]):
"""Setter: values
values (Tuple[float]): Value of the objective and its uncertainty.
self.__values = values
def evaluator(self) -> Callable:
"""Property: evaluator
Callable: Evaluator of the objective
return self.__evaluator
def lower_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Property: lower bounds
np.ndarray: lower bounds for vector valued objective.
return self.__lower_bounds
def upper_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Property: upper bounds
np.ndarray: upper bounds for vector valued objective.
return self.__upper_bounds
def _func_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluate the multiple objective functions value.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): A vector of variables to evaluate the
objective function with.
ObjectiveEvaluationResults: A named tuple containing the evaluated value,
and uncertainity of evaluation of the objective function.
ObjectiveError: When a bad argument is supplies to the evaluator or when
the evaluator returns an unexpected number of outputs.
result = self.evaluator(decision_vector)
except (TypeError, IndexError) as e:
msg = "Bad argument {} supplied to the evaluator: {}".format(str(decision_vector), str(e))
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
result = tuple(result)
# Store the value of the objective
self.values = result
uncertainity = np.full_like(result, np.nan, dtype=float)
# Have to set dtype because if the tuple is of ints, then this array also
# becomes dtype int. There's no nan value of int type
return ObjectiveEvaluationResults(result, uncertainity)
def _surrogate_evaluate(self, decusuib_vector: np.ndarray):
raise ObjectiveError("Surrogates not trained")
# TODO: Depreciate
[docs]class ScalarDataObjective(ScalarObjective):
"""A simple Objective class for single valued objectives.
To be depreciated.
Use when the an evaluator/simulator returns a single objective value or
when there is no evaluator/simulator
X (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with corresponds the points where the
objective value is known.
y (pd.Series): The objective values corresponding the points.
variable_names (pd.Index): The names of the variables in X
_model(BaseRegressor): Model of the data
name (List[str]): The name of the objective. Should be the same as a
column name in the data.
data (pd.DataFrame): The data in a pandas dataframe. The columns
should be named after variables/objective.
evaluator (Union[None, Callable], optional): A python function that
contains the analytical function or calls the simulator to get the
true objective value. By default None, as this is not required.
lower_bound (float, optional): Lower bound of the objective,
by default -np.inf
upper_bound (float, optional): Upper bound of the objective,
by default np.inf
maximize (List[bool], optional): Boolean describing whether the
objective is to be maximized or not, by default None, which
defaults to [False], hence minimizes.
ObjectiveError: When the name provided during initialization does not
match any name in the columns of the data provided during
def __init__(
name: List[str],
data: pd.DataFrame,
evaluator: Union[None, Callable] = None,
lower_bound: float = -np.inf,
upper_bound: float = np.inf,
maximize: List[bool] = None,
) -> None:
if name in data.columns:
super().__init__(name, evaluator, lower_bound, upper_bound, maximize)
msg = f'Name "{name}" not found in the dataframe provided'
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
self.X = data.drop(name, axis=1)
self.y = data[name]
self.variable_names = self.X.columns
self._model = None
self.__evaluator = evaluator #this is how we added analatycal function
[docs] def train(
model: BaseRegressor,
model_parameters: Dict = None,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train surrogate model for the objective.
model (BaseRegressor): A regressor. The regressor, when
initialized, should have a fit method and a predict method.
The predict method should return the predicted objective value,
as well as the uncertainity value, in a tuple. If the
regressor does not support calculating uncertainity, return a
tuple of objective value and None.
model_parameters (Dict): **model_parameters is passed to the model
when initialized.
index (List[int], optional): Indices of the samples (in self.X and
self.y), to be used to train the surrogate model. By default
None, which trains the model on the entire dataset. This
behaviour may be changed in the future to support test-train
split or cross validation.
data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Extra data to be used for training
only. This data is not saved. By default None, which then uses
self.X and self.y for training.
ObjectiveError: For unexpected errors
if model_parameters is None:
model_parameters = {}
self._model = model(**model_parameters)
if index is None and data is None:
self._model.fit(self.X, self.y)
elif index is not None:
self._model.fit(self.X[index], self.y[index])
elif data is not None:
self._model.fit(data[self.variable_names], data[self.name])
msg = "I don't know how you got this error"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
def _surrogate_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluate the values with surrogate function.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): Variable values where evaluation is
ObjectiveEvaluationResults: Result and uncertainty
ObjectiveError: If model has not been trained yet or a bad argument
supplied to the model
if self._model is None:
raise ObjectiveError("Model not trained yet")
result, uncertainity = self._model.predict(decision_vector)
except ModelError:
msg = "Bad argument supplied to the model"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
return ObjectiveEvaluationResults(result, uncertainity)
def _func_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluate the values with analytical function.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): Variable values where evaluation is
ObjectiveEvaluationResults: Result and uncertainty
ObjectiveError: If the analytical function is not provided
if self.evaluator is None:
msg = "No analytical function provided"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
results = super()._func_evaluate(decision_vector)
#self.X = np.vstack((self.X, decision_vector)) #changes bhupinder and pouya made
#self.y = np.vstack((self.y, results.objectives)) #changes bhupinder and pouya made
return results
[docs]class _ScalarDataObjective(ScalarDataObjective):
[docs]class VectorDataObjective(VectorObjective):
"""A Objective class for multi/valued objectives.
Use when the an evaluator/simulator returns a multiple objective values or
when there is no evaluator/simulator.
X (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with corresponds the points where the
objective value is known.
y (pd.Series): The objective values corresponding the points.
variable_names (pd.Index): The names of the variables in X
_model(Dict): BaseRegressor (or None if not trained) models for each
objective, keys are the names of objectives.
_model_trained(Dict): boolean if model is trained for each objective,
keys are the names of objectives. Default false.
name (List[str]): The name of the objective. Should be the same as a
column name in the data.
data (pd.DataFrame): The data in a pandas dataframe. The columns
should be named after variables/objective.
evaluator (Union[None, Callable], optional): A python function that
contains the analytical function or calls the simulator to get the
true objective value. By default None, as this is not required.
lower_bound (float, optional): Lower bound of the objective,
by default -np.inf
upper_bound (float, optional): Upper bound of the objective,
by default np.inf
maximize (List[bool], optional): Boolean describing whether the
objective is to be maximized or not, by default None, which
defaults to [False], hence minimizes.
ObjectiveError: When the name provided during initialization does not
match any name in the columns of the data provided during
def __init__(
name: List[str],
data: pd.DataFrame,
evaluator: Union[None, Callable] = None,
lower_bounds: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None,
upper_bounds: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None,
maximize: List[bool] = None,
) -> None:
if all(obj in data.columns for obj in name):
super().__init__(name, evaluator, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, maximize)
msg = f'Name "{name}" not found in the dataframe provided'
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
self.X = data.drop(name, axis=1)
self.y = data[name]
self.variable_names = self.X.columns
self._model = dict.fromkeys(name) # TODO: Make the set of keys immutable?
self._model_trained = dict.fromkeys(name, False)
[docs] def train(
models: Union[BaseRegressor, List[BaseRegressor]],
model_parameters: Union[Dict, List[Dict]] = None,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train surrogate models for the objective.
model (BaseRegressor or List[BaseRegressors]):
A regressor or a list of regressors. The regressor/s, when initialized,
should have a fit method and a predict method.
The predict method should return the predicted objective
value, as well as the uncertainity value, in a tuple. If the regressor does
not support calculating uncertainity, return a tuple of objective value and
If a single regressor is provided, that regressor is used for all the
If a list of regressors is provided, and if the list contains one regressor
for each objective, then those individual regressors are used to model the
objectives. If the number of regressors is not equal to the number of
objectives, an error is raised.
model_parameters (Dict or List[Dict]):
The parameters for the regressors. Should be a dict if a single regressor is
provided. If a list of regressors is provided, the parameters should be in a
list of dicts, same length as the list of regressors(= number of objs).
index (List[int], optional):
Indices of the samples (in self.X and self.y), to be used to train the
surrogate model. By default None, which trains the model on the entire
dataset. This behaviour may be changed in the future to support test-train
split or cross validation.
data (pd.DataFrame, optional):
Extra data to be used for training only. This data is not saved. By default
None, which then uses self.X and self.y for training.
ObjectiveError: If the formats of the model and model parameters
do not match
ObjectiveError: If the lengths of list of models and/or model
parameter dictionaries are not equal to the number
of objectives.
if model_parameters is None:
model_parameters = {}
if not isinstance(models, list):
if not (isinstance(model_parameters, dict)):
msg = "If only one model is provided, model parameters should be a dict"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
models = [models] * len(self.name)
model_parameters = [model_parameters] * len(self.name)
elif not (len(models) == len(model_parameters) == self.n_of_objectives):
msg = (
"The length of lists of models and parameters should be the same as"
"the number of objectives in this objective class"
for model, model_params, name in zip(models, model_parameters, self.name):
self._train_one_objective(name, model, model_params, index, data)
def _train_one_objective(
name: str,
model: BaseRegressor,
model_parameters: Dict,
index: List[int] = None,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Train surrogate model for the objective.
name (str): Name of the objective for which you want to train the
surrogate model
model (BaseRegressor): A regressor. The regressor, when
initialized, should have a fit method and a predict method.
The predict method should return the predicted objective
value, as well as the uncertainity value, in a tuple. If
the regressor does not support calculating uncertainity,
return a tuple of objective value and None.
model_parameters (Dict): **model_parameters is passed to the model
when initialized.
index (List[int], optional): Indices of the samples (in self.X and
self.y), to be used to train the surrogate model. By
default None, which trains the model on the entire dataset.
This behaviour may be changed in the future to support
test-train split or cross validation.
data (pd.DataFrame, optional): Extra data to be used for training
only. This data is not saved. By default None, which then
uses self.X and self.y for training.
ObjectiveError: For unexpected errors
if name not in self.name:
raise ObjectiveError(f'"{name}" not found in the list of' f"original objective names: {self.name}")
if model_parameters is None:
model_parameters = {}
self._model[name] = model(**model_parameters)
if index is None and data is None:
self._model[name].fit(self.X, self.y[name])
self._model_trained[name] = True
elif index is not None:
self._model[name].fit(self.X[index], self.y[name][index])
self._model_trained[name] = True
elif data is not None:
self._model[name].fit(data[self.variable_names], data[name])
self._model_trained[name] = True
msg = "I don't know how you got this error"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
def _surrogate_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluate the values with surrogate function.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): Variable values where evaluation is
ObjectiveEvaluationResults: Result and uncertainty
ObjectiveError: If all models have not been trained yet or a bad
argument is supplied to the model
if not all(self._model_trained.values()):
msg = (
f"Some or all models have not been trained.\n"
f"Models for the following objectives have been trained:\n"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
result = pd.DataFrame(index=range(decision_vector.shape[0]), columns=self.name)
uncertainity = pd.DataFrame(index=range(decision_vector.shape[0]), columns=self.name)
for name, model in self._model.items():
result[name], uncertainity[name] = model.predict(decision_vector)
except ModelError:
msg = "Bad argument supplied to the model"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
return ObjectiveEvaluationResults(result, uncertainity)
def _func_evaluate(self, decision_vector: np.ndarray) -> ObjectiveEvaluationResults:
"""Evaluate the values with analytical function.
decision_vector (np.ndarray): Variable values where evaluation is
ObjectiveEvaluationResults: Result and uncertainty
ObjectiveError: If the analytical function is not provided
if self.evaluator is None:
msg = "No analytical function provided"
raise ObjectiveError(msg)
results = super()._func_evaluate(decision_vector)
self.X = np.vstack((self.X, decision_vector))
self.y = np.vstack((self.y, results.objectives))
return results